| 1. | Soybeans have rarely been used as an experimental plant in nutrient uptake studies . 在研究养分吸收问题时,很少用大豆作供试验用作物。 |
| 2. | The mechanism of nutrient uptake by soybean roots is only part of a more general problem on the subject involving all plant species . 大豆根系对养分的吸收机制只是所有作物吸收养分的最一般问题的一部分。 |
| 3. | Study on the dry matter accumulation and nutrient uptake of chinese onion 高产条件下大葱干物质积累和养分吸收规律的研究 |
| 4. | Characteristic of growth and nutrient uptake of poa pratensis lawn in beijing area 北京地区草地早熟禾的生长特性与养分吸收规律 |
| 5. | Effects of cultivation by mulching and rain harvesting on yield and nutrient uptake of winter wheat 覆膜集雨栽培对冬小麦产量及养分吸收的影响 |
| 6. | Effects of different soil amounts on total nutrients content and nutrients uptake amounts of maize plant 不同装土量对玉米植株全量养分含量及吸收量的影响研究 |
| 7. | Release characteristics of nutrients of uncoated slow release compound fertilizer and nutrient uptake of wheat 非包膜缓释复合肥养分释放特性及小麦对养分的吸收 |
| 8. | Effect of potassium application on nutrient uptake and biomass production of yangmai 158 and some other wheat cultivars 施钾对扬麦158等小麦品种的养分吸收与生物产量的影响 |
| 9. | The intensity of nutrient uptake of " yedan 12 " which produced higher yield was greater than that of " luyu 2 ” after tasseling stage 抽雄期后,产量较高的掖单12养分吸收强度大于鲁玉2号。 |
| 10. | Heavy metals , even when present at low concentrations , are toxic to plants , inhibiting water or nutrient uptake , damaging cell membranes , and inhibiting enzymes 重金属即使是很低的浓度,对植物也是有害的,它可以抑制植物对水分和营养物质的吸收,破坏细胞膜,抑制酶活性。 |